MUSIC MADNESS is now offering NEW options for all of your CUSTOM VOICEOVER needs.
Because we outsource our voiceovers, we have been creating great working relationships with the best voiceover makers in
the cheer industry.
We now
offer male and female voiceover options. You can get your voiceovers recorded in the traditional CHEER/HYPED UP voice,
and/or in a WHISPER, RAP, SIRI, or DIVA style. Let us know what you have in mind, we can take care of the rest!
When ordering your custom voiceovers,
please specify male/female and any specific style, if desired. If you do not specify, CHEER MUSIC MADNESS will decide on the
style, depending on the theme or specific part of the music where the voiceover will be placed. After all info is given, we will provide you with
the best price quote possible.
Please note that depending on the time of year (holidays or busy season),
when you order a 1-2 day rush order, custom voiceovers may not be included within the rush order time. If that happens,
we will send you your music within the rush time and send you the revised music with your custom voiceovers as soon as possible.